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State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects


Licensing Practice   |   Continuing Education   |   Licensee Seal   |   

Contact Information   |   Emeritus   |   Remediation/Enforcement   |   Complaints

Certificates of Authorization (COA)   |   Temporary Permits   |   Titles


How do I change my status to emeritus?

You can elect Emeritus status during the license renewal process or contact the office to request a Change of Status form. There is a one-time fee of $25.

Once your license is in emeritus status, you may use the title Architect Emeritus or Professional Engineer Emeritus, as appropriate, but emeritus licensees are not allowed to practice architecture or engineering in the State of Nebraska.

To learn more about the Emeritus title, visit the Board Emeritus page and Board Rule 1.11.4

Do I need to renew my Emeritus status?

No, Emeritus status does not need to be renewed.

Prior to April 27, 2019, Emeritus status needed to be renewed annually. Changes to the Board Rules in 2019 removed the emeritus renewal requirement.

If I am an emeritus, and want to reinstate my license - what do I need to do?

1. Fill out a license application (architect/engineer), pay all applicable fees (architect/engineer), and complete a License Reinstatement Affidavit.

2. Provide a Continuing Education Log of activities for the past two years along with supporting documentation to demonstrate you've complied with continuing education provisions described Chapter 9 of the Board's rules.

3. Pass an exam, administered by the Board, on The Nebraska Engineers and Architects Regulation Act (the exam will be sent to you).

After the above steps have been completed, your application will be sent to the Board for approval. The Board typically meets every month, excluding July and November.