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State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects

Certificates of Authorization

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Certificates of Authorization

According to The Nebraska Engineers and Architects Regulation Act, an organization is defined as a business entity created by law, including, but not limited to, a partnership, limited liability company, corporation or joint venture. 

To update contact information for an organization’s Certificate of Authorization, complete the Application for Changes to Existing Certificate of Authorization Form. The form can be emailed, mailed or faxed back to the Board.

A Certificate of Authorization is issued by the Board and authorizes an organization to practice engineering or architecture in Nebraska.

A Certificate of Authority is issued by the Nebraska Secretary of State and authorizes the organization to transact business in Nebraska.

You may need both certificates to practice architecture and/or engineering, engage in design-build or bill for architectural or engineering services on projects in Nebraska. 

Contact the Secretary of State’s office (402-471-2554) for more information about Certificates of Authority.

It is recommended to obtain a Certificate of Authorization first as our experience has been that this makes the process with the Secretary of State easier.

The following organizations do not require a Certificate of Authorization:

  • Organizations that are not a business entity created by law,
  • Organizations that engage in activities that result only in non-customized manufactured or fabricated products,
  • Organizations that meet the definition of a public service provider (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-3423), or
  • Organizations that engage in the practice of architecture or engineering only for itself.

Please note that this list is not comprehensive, but reflects common questions received by Board Staff.

Per Board Rule 7.3.8 and Board Policy 14.01, Board staff is authorized to review and issue Certificates of Authorization on a conditional basis, pending formal approval by the Board. A typical Certificate of Authorization application is usually reviewed and conditionally issued within one week after receipt of the application and fee.

Yes, if the organization continues to practice or is offering to practice in Nebraska, the Certificate will need to be renewed. A Certificate of Authorization is renewed every two years on the date the Certificate was issued. Renewal notices will be mailed to the organization approximately one month prior to the expiration date.

There are no provisions in The Nebraska Engineers and Architects Regulation Act that require organizations to retain technical documents for a certain or definite period of time.

An organization can submit a Certificate of Authorization application before the individual(s) listed as being in responsible charge are licensed. However, the certificate will not be issued the individual(s) are licensed or are issued a temporary permit.