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State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects


Working with Licensees   |   Projects/Building   |   Exemptions   |   Complaints   |   Remediation


What is remediation?

Remediation is an informal process used by the Board to involve licensees on building projects in Nebraska subject to The Nebraska Engineers and Architects Regulation Act. While remediation may cause delays and added expense, it ensures that the health, safety and welfare of the public is protected through the involvement of licensed professionals.

What do I as the owner/project manager need to do to remediate my project?

If your project has entered remediation, you will receive detailed written guidance from the Board about the remediation process.

Does remediation require both an architect and professional engineer?

When the Board authorizes remediation, the Board will specify whether the project involves the practices of architecture and/or engineering. The owner will receive a letter from the Board detailing whether an architect and/or professional engineer(s) will need to be involved.

While reviewing a project, one professional might observe components of the project that are outside their area of competency. This may necessitate other licensed design professionals becoming involved in the remediation process, including but not limited to, an architect, professional engineer, professional engineer of a specific discipline, an electrician, mason, HVAC specialist or plumber. 

Does the Board select remediation professionals for my project?

No, the Board does not select, assign, or recommend licensed professionals to remediate a project. It is up to the owner to find a licensed architect and/or professional engineer.

To find a licensed professional, use our Licensee Lookup feature.

My project is already under construction. Must construction stop during remediation?

Not necessarily. A complaint and remediation process is not an order to stop construction. The licensed remediation professional(s) will review any existing plans and the structure itself to identify any deficiencies.

If the remediation professional identifies immediate concerns of public safety, it is the professional’s responsibility to notify appropriate authorities. Notification may result in a stop order from the local building official. It may be appropriate to stop construction if the remediation professional identifies deficiencies that raise an immediate concern. Stopping construction allows deficiencies to be corrected and can deter additional potential deficiencies created during construction.

Do new building plans and technical documents need to be produced during remediation?

Not for every project. There are three general conclusions of a remediation review:

1.  The remediation professional did not identify any deficiencies. When there are no deficiencies, there is no need to produce technical documents.

2.  Deficiencies were identified, but they can be corrected without new technical documents. In this situation, the deficiencies can be corrected through a detailed written description provided by the remediation professional in a remediation letter.

•   If building plans already exist, the remediation professional may be able to make corrections through annotations, clouding, and deltas.

•   If existing documents are revised, the revisions must be attributed to the individual responsible for the revisions.

3.  Deficiencies were identified that will require design corrections detailed in technical documents. In this case, technical documents will be produced by the remediation professional in addition to the remediation letter.

Do technical documents need to be submitted to the local building official and state fire marshal again?

It depends. If the deficiencies require design corrections or revisions to existing documents, these officials may require another submission of technical documents. A copy of the remediation letter should be included with any new submission of technical documents.