To celebrate the 2021 National Volunteer Week, the Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects would like to recognize the impact of volunteer service in professional design careers that transforms professional growth and the community around them.
Below are some of the organizations that the Board Members have been involved in throughout their professional careers: (Upper L-R): Board Chair Brett Foley, Ph.D.; Board Vice-Chair Dan Thiele, Professional Engineer.; Board Secretary Brian Kelly,
Brett Foley of Denton is currently a part of the NCARB Indicidental Practice Task Force and a public member working group for the Institute of Credentialing Excellence. Since 2014, he has also been a consulting editor for the Journal of Educational Psychology.
Dan Thiele, P.E. of Omaha, is currently a trustee for the University of Nebraska Foundation. He also serves on the Civil Engineering Advisory Board for the University of Nebraska College of Engineering. In the past, he served as the President of Sarpy County Economic Development Corporation, the Skutt Catholic High School, and the ACEC Nebraska.
Brian Kelly of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Architecture currently serves in the NCARB Education Committee, several College of Architecture committees. He is also a Board Member for Design Alliance Omaha (daOMA).
Jan Bostelman, P.E., PMP of Brainard, serves on the NCEES EPE Committee that oversees exam development, and she is the NCEES Assistant Vice President for the Central Zone since August 2020. Outside of her professional engineering-related service, Bostelman served as an elected member to the East Butler Board of Education from 2013 to 2019, volunteered in 4-H Council in Butler County, and served for over 20 years as a mentor to students involved in @MATHCOUNTS.
Bruce Dvorak of the University of Nebraska-College of Engineering is a member of the American Chemical Society, American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, and Water Environment Federation. He has also completed a term on the Board of Directors for the American Water Works Association.
Dave Johnson of Lincoln served as the president for the Voices of Hope Board of Directors, the AIA Lincoln and the Nebraska chapter. He also served in the Mayor's Development Process Task Force and Mayor's Streamlining Task Force committees.
Lenora Isom of Ashland has been a LEED accredited Professional for the US Green Building Council. She also served on the Omaha Public Library Board of Trustees.
Jason Suelter of Lincoln has served over 10 years on the NCEES Structural Exam Development Committee, and he currently is the Vice-Chair for Constructive Response for NCEES. Previously, he served as a member of the Benedictine College Academic Board. Currently, he is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Steel Construction, and the Diocese of Lincoln Building Committee.