Certificates of Authorization
Organizations practicing or offering to practice engineering and/or architecture in Nebraska must apply to the Board for a Certificate of Authorization. Certificates are valid for two years from the issuance date and renewed subsequently for two years.
The application fee must be paid by check, money order, or cashier's check; the Board does not accept credit card or ACH payments for the application.
Renewal notices are mailed at least one month before the expiration date, typically at the beginning of the month prior to the renewal date. The renewal fee must be paid by check, money order, cashier's check, or ACH payment; the Board does not accept credit card payments for the renewal application.
To avoid delays in processing the renewal, do not email the application if paying by check, money order, or cashier’s check, as processing will not begin until both the application and renewal fee are received. If paying by ACH payment, the renewal and all requested payment information may be emailed.
Minimum Requirements
- If the organization practices architecture, designate one Nebraska-licensed architect as the Architect in Responsible Charge (AIC). The AIC must regularly perform professional services for the organization for the duration of the certificate of authorization.
- If the organization practices engineering, designate one Nebraska-licensed professional engineer as the Engineer in Responsible Charge (EIC). The EIC must regularly perform professional services for the organization for the duration of the certificate of authorization.
- If the organization practices both architecture and engineering, designate one Nebraska-licensed architect as the AIC and one Nebraska-licensed professional engineer as the EIC. Both licensees must regularly perform professional services for the organization for the duration of the certificate of authorization. Licensees do not need to be a full-time employee, officer, or majority shareholder, just regularly performing professional services for the organization.
- The architect and/or professional engineer must be licensed to practice in the State of Nebraska and must regularly perform professional services for the organization.
- An organization can submit a Certificate of Authorization application before the individual(s) listed as being in responsible charge are licensed. However, the certificate will not be issued until the individual(s) are licensed or are issued a temporary permit.
Does my Organization Need a Certificate of Authorization?
Your organization will need a Certificate of Authorization if it:
- Practices or offers to practice architecture and/or engineering in Nebraska; or
- Enters into an agreement to provide architectural and/or engineering services on a project in Nebraska; or
- Engages in design-build in Nebraska; or
- Bills for architectural or engineering services pertaining to projects in Nebraska;
- Is a business entity created by law, including, but not limited to, a partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or joint venture.
Your organization will not need a Certificate of Authorization if it:
- Engages in activities that result ONLY in non-customized, non-project- or site-specific manufactured/fabricated products which can then be specified by Nebraska-licensed architects or professional engineers; or
- Is a "Public Service Provider," defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. §81-3423 as "any political subdivision which appoints a municipal engineer or which employs a full-time person licensed under The Nebraska Engineers and Architects Regulation Act who is in responsible charge of architectural or engineering work"; or
- Engages in the practice of architecture or engineering only for itself.
When Do I Need to Submit an Application for Changes to Existing Certificate of Authorization Form?
An organization will need to submit an Application for Changes to Existing Certification Authorization form if there is a change in:
- Legal Name
- Contact Information
- Engineering and/or Architecture Authority
- Size of Organization
- Organization Leadership
- Organizational Authority
The Application for Changes to Existing Certification Authorization must be submitted within thirty days of the effective date of the change.
There is no fee associated with the change application. If there is a change in the number of licensees in the organization, the new renewal fee will be reflected on the next certificate renewal.
Completed applications can be sent by:
- Email - nbea.office@nebraska.gov
- Mail - PO Box 95165, Lincoln, NE 68509-5165
- Delivery - 215 Centennial Mall S, Suite 400, Lincoln, NE 68508-1813
Secretary of State Requirements
The Certificate of Authorization may be used to file any applications with the Nebraska Secretary of State to fulfill the appropriate statutes or requirements for practicing in Nebraska as an organization.
A Certificate of Authorization or letter of eligibility issued by the Board may be required by the Secretary of State to issue:
- A certificate of authority to an organization intending to engage in the practice of architecture or engineering;
- A registration of name to an organization intending to engage in the practice of architecture or engineering; or
- A registration of trade name or service mark that includes the words architect or engineer, or any modification or derivative of such words, in the firm’s name or logotype.
Please contact the Secretary of State at (402) 471-4079 or email inquiries to their Corporate Division for guidance on their requirements.
Associated Fees
The size of an organization is based on the total number of licensed architects and professional engineers regularly performing services for the organization both in the United States and other countries, regardless of their jurisdiction of registration or licensure or if the organization is applying to practice only one profession. It does not include licensees who provide occasional part-time or consulting services.
Application for Certificate of Authorization
# of Licensees |
Fee |
1-5 |
$100 |
6-10 |
$200 |
11-49 |
$300 |
50+ |
$400 |
*Valid for two years
Certificate of Authorization Renewal for Organization
# of Licensees |
Fee |
1-5 |
$50 |
6-10 |
$150 |
11-49 |
$250 |
50+ |
$350 |
*Valid for two years
Rule 6.5 Technical Submissions
Technical submissions that constitute the practice of architecture or engineering shall include (1) the name and (2) either the address or location of the project on each drawing and the cover page and/or first page of specifications, reports, studies, and other documents.
If the work shown on technical submissions is being performed through an organization or organizations as provided in Neb. Rev. Stat. §81-3436, (1) the organization(s) legal name or DBA, (2) contact information, and (3) the organization(s) certificate of authorization number(s) shall be included on technical submissions.
If sealed standards such as drawings, details, and specifications prepared by a jurisdiction are used in a project, the name of the jurisdiction which prepared the standards shall be noted on the technical submissions.
More Information
- The Nebraska Engineers and Architects Regulation Act does not require individuals with an ownership interest in an architectural or engineering organization to be licensed architects or professional engineers. The minimum requirement for an organization to practice architecture and/or engineering is to have one AIC and/or EIC, respectively, who regularly performs professional services for that organization.
- Board staff is authorized to review and issue Certificates of Authorization on a conditional basis, pending formal approval by the Board. A typical Certificate of Authorization application is usually reviewed and conditionally issued within one week after receipt of the application and fee.
- Organizations may designate a Temporary Permit holder as the EIC or AIC to obtain a Certificate of Authorization.
- More information can be found in Chapter 7 of The Nebraska Engineers and Architects Regulation Act.
Application for Certificate of Authorization
Application for Changes to Existing Certificate of Authorization
If you have any questions about certificates of authorization, please contact us.